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Aug 31, 2005

SC3 Newsletter Article

We worship in a variety of ways and places. Worship is to give extravagant respect, honor, or devotion.

In using this definition it can be seen that the people around us worship many different gods (boyfriends, girlfriends, bands, singers, athletes, cars, toys,…).

We can worship the true God in many ways as well. One of my favorite ways is to hike in the forest admiring Him for His handiwork.

I have had a few opportunities to do that this summer. This week I went by myself for a prayer and fasting hike. Jesus went up the mountain to pray, I followed His example.

I went to an area I had not been to before (just 30 miles from town) and found two guys on bikes exploring also, but they were from Germany. I am amazed that we live so close to beautiful areas that we rarely explore and other people travel 1/2 way around the world to admire our neighborhood.

Paul the Apostle tells us we can learn about God through His amazing creation (Rom 1.20).

In exploring creation we get bodily exercise which Paul says profits us, however discipline for the purpose of righteousness has eternal profits (1 Timothy 4.8),

This reminds me of the whitewashed tombs the Pharisees were described as by Jesus. By exercising we might be looking good on the outside however if our spirit is not in line with His, what eternal profits are there? None.

Therefore worship God in His creation, get exercise, but most important worship Him by getting spiritual exercise.



++ Tamolitch Pool Hike – September 17 – 9 AM–5 PM. Bring sack lunch, $2 for ice cream, and wear comfortable clothes. Please sign up with Cory. Everyone welcome. 4.6 miles round trip.

1. Something for Your Heart
2. Surf Report
3. Forgettable Fact
4. Potent Quotables
5. Parting Shot
Check out the new TOBYMAC record "Renovating Diverse City." It's the new album with remixes of songs from "Welcome to Diverse City." It also features new songs and the radio hit "Burn For You!" The remix drops everywhere August 30th, but check out the ecard now to find out how to pre-buy the album. Plus, the ecard hooks you up with all the new sounds from "Renovating Diverse City!"
Well, summer is winding down and it's back-to-school time again. As you reflect back over the past three months, do you feel that you got the most out of that time? Before you answer, keep in mind it's not so much what you did during your summer as what you learned from it.

In his book, "The Kingdom of God Is a Party," author Tony Campolo tells of how one college president liked to spend his summers. John Coleman, former president of Haverford College (a rather fancy-schmancy school in Pennsylvania) would spend his summers as a garbage collector. He would go to a nearby community where people didn't know who he was and pick up trash with the regular crew.

But in addition to being just one of the guys, he would also try to add an element of fun to the job. He would tell his fellow workers stories they had never heard. He would encourage them to sing on the job. And whenever someone tried to get rude or demeaning to one of the crew for being "just" a garbage collector, he could use his top-level education to put such people in their place.

"But wait," you say, "I could never be a garbage collector. I have to think about college resumes, the future, and such." Point taken. But that's why you need to remember that what you learn from something is what's most important.

Suppose you did take a job collecting garbage for a summer and someday your college admission official asked you what you learned from the experience. Some people might say, "I learned to pour nasty, repugnant garbage from cans into the back of a truck without getting maggots in my hair." (Not a great answer.) You, on the other hand, might say, "I learned the satisfaction of doing an honest day's work for an honest day's pay." (Better.) Or, "I learned that the world is filled with trash, and I want do to whatever I can during my lifetime to make it a better place." (Excellent response!)

Of course, it will be nine months now before you can consider another summer job. Productive or not, this summer is behind you. Yet here comes fall and winter--and the possibilities they bring.
For example, maybe you can devote an occasional Saturday to serving others for the sheer satisfaction of doing something positive with your life. During a lunchtime at school you might sit with a loner or strike up a conversation with someone who isn't very popular. Such "jobs" will never be listed on your resume, but you will be developing skills that will help you throughout your life. And if you also help make the world a better place as you do, so much the better.

On your own ...
In Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, he introduced a whole new way of relating to other people--especially unpleasant people. Read Matthew 5:38-42.

As you plan to return to school (or otherwise move ahead with your life) this fall, what situations do you anticipate where these verses will be relevant?

~ DCLA 2006
Attend DCLA in 2006, experience intimate worship, relevant training, and interact with thousands of other students.
~ About Billy the Kid
Ever heard of Billy the Kid, the notorious outlaw of the Old West? Want to find out more about him? Check out this interesting site.

The average person almost immediately forgets 56% of all new information he or she learns.

When one door closes another opens. But we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we fail to see the one that has opened for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell
They serve God well who serve his creatures.
- Caroline Norton
Those who make the worst use of their time most complain of its shortness.
- Jean de la Bruyére

Why is it called "after dark" when it's really "after light"?

copyright 2005 :: Youth Specialties
300 S. Pierce St.
El Cajon, CA 92020

Aug 23, 2005

Carpenter Mountain Hike

Yesterday a group of 8 of us headed up the Mackenzie for a hike. We decided that climbing up Wolf Rock was to dangerous for the group assembled; therefore we went searching for Carpenter Mountain Lookout.

The ranger station had told us that the trail is marked, but did not say off of which road. The map book we had did not show all the roads so we ended up circumnavigating the mountain without finding the trail. About 2 hours of driving on gravel roads, some quite rough (4X4 off-roading almost), we came to a closed gate on a road that we thought would take us up there we decided to go down to the “Experimental Forrest Office” near Blue River Lake to ask. Once we got near the office we found a road side map/sign that showed us the right roads to take.

Then we were able to go straight to the trail for the one mile hike to the top. It is a cool place. The lookout house sits on the very top of this mountain. The top is a rock about 20X20 and the house is about 15X15 with a railed porch all the way around. So the building sits right on top with cliffs falling away on three sides. Great view. There is a college student that lives up there watching for fires with a 360 view during the fire season.

At the bottom we talked about how Jesus said, “my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” What does he mean? Look it up: Matt 11.28-30; John 14.27; Phil 4.7

Aug 20, 2005

Monday Hike

You may have noticed in the SC3 Youth Newsletter there is a hike scheduled for this coming Monday (22nd).

The plan is to meet at the church building at 9:00 AM with lunches and comfortable clothing and drive to Wolf Rock, which is up on the McKenzie Pass. We will not return until about 5:30 PM.

Please sign up with me Sunday.

David Macauley and me are leading this hike.

Aug 13, 2005

Baby boy born today!

We went to the hospital at 8:30 this morning and had another boy at 11:30.

Both Lori and Cade are doing great. He is a good-looking little guy.

For you girls… he weighed 7 lbs 2 oz and was 19 ½ inches long. He currently has dark hair, but that can change in the next few weeks.

We will be bringing him home by mid-day on Sunday.

SC3 this Sunday

Sunday night Youth Church is going to be a BBQ honoring our leaving Youth Workers. DJ Holloway, Katie Holloway, Kelly McFarland, Jon Wells, Brenna Hayes, Seth McFarland are all moving within the next few weeks.

Starting at our regular time (6:30 PM) we will be meeting at the *church building.

BBQ, volleyball, worship, prayer, sharing of stories, … and a special prayer for these who are going out to serve Him.

*Originally we had hoped to meet at our house for this event, however due to our baby’s tardy arrival we are moving it back to the church building.

Aug 8, 2005


+ New blogs and pictures up @ www.sc3youth.blogspot.com/ and www.myspace.com/cdgant
+ Testimony Tuesday & Mar Far Golf this week! Call for a ride to Mar Far Golf.
1. Something for Your Heart
2. Surf Report
3. Forgettable Fact
4. Potent Quotables
5. Parting Shot
Pre-buy the new Audio Adrenaline album "Until My Heart Caves In" today at MusiChristian.com and reserve your exclusive autographed copy! Available August 30th, "Until My Heart Caves In" includes the new hit song "King." But don't wait until then--buy your autographed copy now for only $11.97! Visit www.audioa.com to keep up with the band, see the album ecard, and learn more about the Audio A street team!
August 13 is National Left-Handers Day. It's a day to remember those in our population who stand out in their preference of which hand to use when writing, throwing, and doing other physical stuff. If you're among that approximately 10 percent of left-handers, it's a day to recognize the struggles you and your fellow lefties face by being in the minority. If you're a majority right-hander, it's a day to think about some of the challenges you'll never have to endure (such as ugly marks on your arm made by spiral notebooks during a long writing assignment).
This may seem like just another silly celebration, but the fact is, we ought to do more to recognize and celebrate the things that make us different and unique. Most of us usually try much too hard to be like everyone else. For example, a girl might have incredibly gorgeous red hair. But if she's teased about it once or twice, she's eager to dye it a "regular" color. A guy who is a little taller than all his friends should feel kind of special, yet is often made to feel self-conscious about it (with comments like "How's the weather up there?").
Just think how totally boring this world would be if everyone looked exactly alike. Yet rather than celebrate our uniqueness, every year we buy billions of dollars' worth of diet products, cosmetics, and clothing in an attempt to look just like everyone else.
And physical differences aren't the worst of it. Some of us even put down people whose talents and gifts differ from our own. If someone has better math skills, we label him a geek. If someone's coordination is not what ours is, we label her a klutz. We're big on labels. Many of us have a wide assortment of demeaning labels to describe anyone not exactly like us.
Jesus always seemed to go out of his way to relate to people who were different and tended to be overlooked by "regular" people: women, little children, lepers, Samaritans, short people like Zacchaeus, and people with all kinds of physical problems. In many cases, his willingness to befriend such people had life-changing results for them.
In some parts of the country, teenagers are catching on to what Jesus taught and are finding worth in themselves, regardless of the labels that others try to impose. They may prefer playing in the orchestra to attending rock concerts, or choose scouting over cheerleading, or like science fiction more than graphic novels ... but they're beginning to take pride in what they do and who they are. They refuse to be ashamed to be "Band Geeks" or "Orch[estra] Dorks" or "Mathletes." Just the opposite: many are making or buying shirts to proudly proclaim the fact.
So just as left-handers have learned to celebrate their uniqueness, so should you--whatever your uniqueness happens to be. God created you to be special, and is very pleased when you excel in your distinctive area(s) of life. You should be, too.
On your own ...
Read 1 Corinthians 12:14-26.
Paul compares the different gifts and abilities of people to various parts of the human body. He points out that it takes all of them working together to function properly. Think about the different people you know. How might you benefit from getting to know each of those people better? How might they benefit from getting to know you better?
~ The Grandparent Connection
Cool, teen-written newspaper designed to keep grandkids and grandparents connected
~ eHow
Need to know how to change a tire? Get rid of shoe odor? Take the skin off chicken? Check out the site that offers "the fastest and easiest way to find out how to do just about anything."
27,000 pieces of luggage are lost or misdirected by U.S. airlines every day.
The world is made up of people who never quite get into the first team, and who just miss the prizes at the flower show.
- Jacob Bronowski
There is no such thing [as great people]! The greatest man or woman is 99 percent just like yourself.
- George Bernard Shaw
It is not only the most difficult thing to know oneself, but the most inconvenient one, too. - H.W. Shaw
Imagine how much better summer would be if Noah had swatted those two mosquitoes after he got off the ark.
copyright 2005 :: Youth Specialties

Who What Where ???

Sunday night we talked about giving our testimonies. Life testimonies of 1. Who you were before Chirst. 2. How you met Christ. 3. What your life is like with Christ. Also, testimonies of what God is doing in our lives.
In the Scriptures testimonies abound, the Gospels are all testimonies to Jesus’ life. Luke gave his testimony of how the church grew through the missionary Apostles. Peter gave his testimony over and over. Paul gave his testimony to how Christ saved him on the road to Damascus.
There are many reasons to be sharing our testimonies… evangelism, encouragement, example, exalting God, and also simply practicing seeing God in our everyday life. Practicing the Presence of God!

------------------- -------------------- ----------------------
As a final challenge I gave the following questions…

1. Who are you?
2. What are you doing?
3. Where are you going?

Think about these questions, pray about them, ask God for wisdom in answering them.

Aug 4, 2005

Zane and Luke in the Drain Parade - pulling grandma's cougar

Schools teach something different than Evolution???

Recently President Bush was asked by a reporter if he felt intelligent design should be taught in public schools. President Bush replied: "Part of education is to expose people to different schools of thought. You’re asking me whether or not people ought to be exposed to different ideas, and the answer is yes."

The media immediately blasted the President for his comments. They made the front page of the liberal Washington Post.

Should students be exposed to different ideas, or should they be shielded from information about intelligent design? Give us your opinion.

Go Here:


Aug 3, 2005

SYATP 2005

I received new information about See You At The Pole (SYATP) for this year. Previously I had thought that it always happens on the Wednesday of the second full week of September. However, it must be the third Wednesday of September, because it’s on the 21st this year. Therefore our SC3 Youth calendar is incorrect, not that that has ever happened before.

SYATP is a student lead prayer and praise time at your local school. Wednesday morning, September 21st, students will be meeting at the flag pole at your school to pray to and praise God. Typically, this occurs at around 7:00AM, but some schools now have later starts, so start times vary.

So, if you don’t hear people talking about the meeting time the first couple of weeks of school then, get people talking about it, set a time and make it happen. I have a catalogue of t-shirts, flyers, bracelets, and other stuff to help promote your school’s SYATP.

Aug 2, 2005

Poetry and Art work wanted!

We are looking for writers and artists to post their stuff on our church website.

If you are interested please submit your stuff to me.

Church on the Butte - July 31st