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Jun 13, 2005

I believe what Jesus believed

I believe what Jesus believed - FROM: www.answersingenesis.org

13 June 2005

In 2005 Philip Bell, a British biologist and staff member of Answers in Genesis, one of the world’s largest creation apologetics ministries, visited Hungary. Mr. Bell gave a series of lectures on creation / evolution, which is a heavily debated topic among many. On Saturday afternoon Philip gave an interview to the readers of Bible and Congregation, a Christian magazine published by the Hungarian Bible Union in Hungary. The magazine was represented by Istvan Weber, a sociologist.

Istvan Weber [IW]: You give convincing lectures on the importance of Creation. Why is it important to you?

Philip Bell [PB]: It really goes back to my days in university. I was brought up in a Christian home to believe the Bible from the very first verse and I defended that literal creation view all the way through high school until I was sixteen or seventeen. I had, really, the faith of my parents—I was loyal to them. But when I studied more advanced biology at the age of seventeen I was influenced by a Biology teacher who was a Christian and a lovely person, a great teacher of Biology. She gave me a love for the subject and taught me the evolution view. The evidence she provided at that time seemed quite plausible to me. And so, without really thinking through the implications for my Christian faith, I decided that yes, God must have used evolution. I swallowed the idea that the Bible tells us why God created and science fills in the details of how He did it. But then I got to University as a committed believer in evolution and I fully expected to find more evidence for the theory. But, I was not a sceptic but rather a true believer in God.

Two things happened at university. First of all my faith became a living faith as I really understood the doctrine of grace; I was sure of my salvation for probably the first time in my life. That was tremendous as my faith was now coming alive. At the same time I was looking at what I was learning in Zoology and Botany and I realised they were asking me to believe certain things without supporting evidence. For instance, I remember well, I was taught that insects without wings evolved into insects with wings. Fine, I thought: Let’s see the evidence. I was not shown a single fossil of a creature with partly-formed wings that was on the way to becoming an insect with wings. And I realised, Wow, this is really ‘believed by faith’! And then I was told that land mammals evolved into creatures like whales and dolphins which went back into the ocean. Again I expected to be shown some information, some fossil material to support this idea. I was not shown a single example. And with such a lack of evidence I seriously began to question the biological data and the whole theory that was built around it. At the same time, because of what was happening in my Christian life, I decided I had to sit down and very carefully go through Genesis, really reading what the Bible was communicating about Creation. And though I had read it many times before, I realised then that it is written as history—that came to me very forcibly. And I also began to see that my approach to Genesis affected the way I approached the rest of Scripture. What was written as real history, I had re-interpreted because of outside opinions from science. Why didn’t I do that with the Virgin Birth, with the Resurrection, with Jesus’ miracles, walking on the water, turning water into wine and so on? Science would say you cannot have these things happening but Christians believe them by faith. In the same way I reasoned that I ought to—if I was consistent—accept the miracles of Creation and the Flood by faith. At the same time I had the scientific data to wrestle with. I had a choice to make.

So the second thing that happened to me is that I decided to reject evolution, partly because of the lack of scientific evidence but also because I saw that it was in direct conflict with the Bible’s teaching about Creation. And I found a tremendous release in my Christian faith from that point on. I have changed my mind on some of the details since then, but I rejected evolution as an explanation for origins and a little bit later I rejected the millions of years that went with it. And it made a great difference to my Christian faith.

[For his answers on such questions as:
- A lot of Christians have compromised and believe that the authority of the Bible is in contradiction with the results of scientific research. How do you approach this question?
- Why is Creation important for today’s Christianity?
- How can we use the Creation account to address the post-modern man?
GO TO: http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs2005/0613hungarian_interview.asp]

Jun 2, 2005

Why My 12-year-old Can See Rated 'R' ... but Not PG!

by Jonathan McKee

Yes ... it's true. My son Alec and I recently watched the 'R' rated The Last Samarai together. But I won't let him watch the PG-rated Sixteen Candles.

Sixteen Candles?

Sure, many of us "Gen X'rs might have fond memories of this film. But think about it: nudity, sexual dialogue ... is this really what you want your kid watching? And more importantly ... is PG really the line you want to use when discerning what to watch?

So how do we know what films are appropriate to show to our families? What about our church youth group? Or what's appropriate for a married couple watching a film together?

First, let me warn you that I love movies. Any of my close friends know that if they go see a movie with me I usually give the run-down on who directed it, the director's past films, and the history of all the actors. I studied film in college and I have even dinked around filming a few shorts.

But it's difficult being a movie-lover in today's world. Films that the critics rave about like Sideways, Closer,
Sin City, Cold Mountain and Eyes Wide Shut are so often filled with graphic sex scenes and other superfluous garbage. Some people argue that it's okay to watch these films as "art." I won't judge these people, but I have trouble agreeing. Most people would concur that there is a line somewhere in the expanse between Michelangelo's "David" and pornography. But where is that line drawn? And more importantly, what standard do we use to draw that line?

Some people are upset about the violence in film. But can we "rubber stamp" a film as violent? Can you put films like Saving Private Ryan, Glory or even The Passion in the same category as
Sin City or Pulp Fiction? Again ... a line exists somewhere.

Others like to use the MPAA rating system as a guide for what we can watch. Pardon my candor ... but that's just stupid. I already mentioned Sixteen Candles. Are we to let our kids see PG films like this, but not the R-rated Saving Private Ryan? I'm surprised how often Christians make the 'R' rating, a secular rating system based on secular morals, their line.

And what about TV? I'd rather my 12 year old son watch the R-rated Gladiator than any 5 minutes of TV's Friends. And that is Captain Kangaroo compared to the average programming on MTV. I watch MTV twice a year (when the kids are asleep) just to keep up with youth culture ... and it never ceases to shock me. The Parents Television Council released a study, "MTV Smut Peddlers: Targeting Kids with Sex, Drugs and Alcohol," which examined the programming content of 171 hours of MTV "Spring Break" coverage between
March 20-27, 2004. Overall, there were 1,548 sexual scenes (3,056 sex depictions or nudity and 2,881 verbal sexual references) and 1,518 unedited (3,127 bleeped) profanities. Letting our kids watch MTV is pimping them out to some of the lowest filth the world has to offer.

So how do we draw the line when discerning what to watch?

Let's look to the scriptures for our guidelines. Ephesians 5 is a good passage to consider.

Ephes. 5:1-9 (NLT)
Follow God's example in everything you do, because you are his dear children. [2] Live a life filled with love for others, following the example of Christ, who loved you and gave himself as a sacrifice to take away your sins. And God was pleased, because that sacrifice was like sweet perfume to him.
[3] Let there be no sexual immorality, impurity, or greed among you. Such sins have no place among God's people. [4] Obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes—these are not for you. Instead, let there be thankfulness to God. [5] You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God. For a greedy person is really an idolater who worships the things of this world. [6] Don't be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, for the terrible anger of God comes upon all those who disobey him. [7] Don't participate in the things these people do. [8] For though your hearts were once full of darkness, now you are full of light from the Lord, and your behavior should show it! [9] For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true.

If that scripture doesn't make you think ... I don't know what does. I admit, it's hard to excuse watching Best Picture Nominee Pulp Fiction when you consider that verse.

But what about the films that aren't so extreme. The "date flick" Hitch with Will Smith, for example. Even though this film is fairly clean ... it does follow the lives of unbelievers with secular morals. And even though the character Hitch seems like a good, moral guy ... there are comments he makes in the film that lead us to believe that he has no moral objection to sleeping with a girl before marriage. So does this make Hitch a no-no? Do we also need to go back and tear up our Shakespeare and our Hemingway collections?

Let's look for the answer from some of the truths from the above passage.

  1. Verse 1 and 2 say that, as believers, we are to follow Christ's example of love and purity. Jesus not only forgave our sins, he set an example to follow. We can definitely learn from his example of love—we see many examples of this in the scriptures.

    But we don't see much about what "influences" Jesus allowed in his life. That's okay—because the next verses talk about what to avoid.
  2. In verse 3 and 4 Paul actually lists things we are to have no part of:
    • sexual immorality
    • impurity
    • greed
    • obscene stories
    • foolish talk
    • coarse jokes

Paul tells us that there should be none of these things in our lives. These aren't the only things we need to avoid ... these are just examples. We see Paul list examples in many of his books. These lists vary a little, depending on who he's writing to. But certain topics seem to be a common denominator of discussion. For example: there should be no sexual immorality among us.

Some people may try to argue that we just shouldn't "be" sexually immoral, but it's okay to talk about it or watch it. I have to disagree. In I Corinthians 6:18, Paul tells us to "flee" sexual immorality. Notice that he doesn't say "try your best to avoid ..." He says "RUN AWAY!" That's because he knows how powerful a desire sex is.

I've never seen one stumbling block so devastating to families, so destructive to leaders, one that blackens the reputations of churches and ministries like no other ... as sexual immorality. I've personally known numerous pastors whose ministries fell apart because of their own sexual sin. Addictions to pornography, affairs, sexual misconduct ... you name it. Sex is a powerful thing, one not to be messed with.

Even King David, "a man after God's own heart," wasn't immune to the lure of sexual immorality. He saw a beautiful woman bathing ... which led to David lusting, wanting ... and eventually murdering. His first peek at Bathsheba bathing opened the door to a destructive momentum of sin in his life.

And "just thinking or talking about sexual immorality" ignores what Jesus said about the subject in His sermon on the mount. It is not just "doing it" that makes us guilty—thinking about it is just as bad. Lusting with our eyes is equally wrong. Jesus even went as far as to say that it would be better to pluck our eye out if it caused us to sin.

Maybe some of us need to pluck out our cable or Satellite connections?

In my movie reviews I will often comment about a film's sexual content. That's because many of us need to be aware of sexual content in advance and not set ourselves up for failure. Part of successful "fleeing" is becoming aware of what films to avoid before you sit down to watch them. Web sites like my movie review page, and www.screenit.com can help us be aware of the content of films so we can "flee" sexual immorality.

But Paul lists more than just sexual sin. In this particular list he also includes impurity, greed, obscene stories, foolish talk, and course joking. That pretty well covers Meet the Fockers, Something About Mary, and other films that might not have sex or nudity ... but definitely rate high in sexual and perverse joking.

The above passage isn't the only one that advises us how to respond to the stuff that the world has to offer. I Peter
2:11 tells us to "watch out" for evil desires. Not only because they battle against our very souls ... but also because we're being watched by our unbelieving neighbors. We might be the only glimpse of Christ that they see.

This doesn't mean we should be pious or condemning to unbelievers for their movie choices. The Bible doesn't say that. But this passage should make us think twice about watching junk.

As a youth minister, kids have asked me numerous times if I have seen American Pie, Sin City, or films of the like. I'm glad I can tell them I haven't seen those two. But my batting average hasn't always been so good. And it's just not very convincing to respond, "Yes, and I hated every moment of that filth!" Maybe we should consider missing this kind of junk in the first place.

Let's revisit the film Hitch. Personally, I wouldn't show this to my own kids because it deals with the secular dating world. Frankly, my kids just wouldn't understand it. And some of the comments made in the film hint at sexual promiscuity.

But I had no problem seeing it with my wife. There was no sex, nudity or coarse joking. And it didn't preach or glorify the inappropriate. It was a fun date flick for a married couple. ( Click here for my detailed review)

God doesn't print out an annual list for us of acceptable and unacceptable movies. He's given us his Word and He's equipped us with discernment. And when it comes to that discernment, the scriptures are pretty clear about not flirting with disaster. We need to be careful of what we see and listen to. Not only for our own sake—but for the sake of others.

You have the information ... now it's your choice.

Jonathan McKee is president of TheSourceForYouthMinistry.com and author of the new book "Do They Run When They See You Coming? Reaching Out to Unchurched Teenagers."
(CLICK HERE FOR THE BOOK) Jonathan speaks and trains across the country and provides free online resources, training, & ideas for youth workers at www.TheSource4YM.com


[The following article was sent to me by Carl Detels. This stat is shocking.-Cory]

"By Pastor Chuck Baldwin

June 2, 2005


Recently, pollster George Barna released his research regarding the beliefs and conduct of today's Christians. The results are shocking! According to Barna, only 9% of America's born again Christians have a Biblical worldview. Only 9%!

To determine a Biblical worldview, Barna used the following 8 point criteria:

  • Believing that absolute moral truths exist.
  • Such truths are defined by the Bible.
  • Jesus Christ lived a sinless life.
  • God is the all-knowing, all-powerful Creator and still rules today.
  • Salvation is a gift of God and cannot be earned.
  • Christians have a responsibility to share their faith in Christ.
  • Satan is real.
  • The Bible is accurate in all its teachings.

As any real Christian can see, these 8 points comprise basic Biblical truth. To think that more than 90% of born again Christians would deny any one of these fundamental truths suggests that the vast majority of professing Christians today have no clue as to what being a Christian really means.

As a result, the obvious question that must be asked is, "What in the world are our pastors and church leaders teaching their congregations?" It would appear that whatever they are teaching, it isn't the Bible!

Barna's research gets even more disturbing. His survey reveals that only 3% of Christian parents include the salvation of their children in the list of critical parental emphasis. What?? Does this mean that 97% of America's Christian parents really don't think it "critical" that their own children go to heaven?

At the same time, 39% of America's Christian parents believe it is "critical" that their children get a good education. Compare these sentiments with those of President Theodore Roosevelt who said, "A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education."

Barna's research also revealed that only 36% of America's Christian parents monitor or regulate the time and quality of T.V., music, and other media that their children were allowed to access. In addition, 45% of America's Christian parents teach their children that there are NO moral absolutes. 43% teach their children that there are SOME moral absolutes.

George Barna summarized his findings by saying, "Faith makes very little difference in their [Christians] lives: believers do not train their children to think or act differently [from the world]. It's no wonder that they [Christian children] grow up to be just as involved in gambling, excessive drinking, and any other unbiblical behavior as everyone else."

The problem with America's Christianity today is that, for the most part, it doesn't exist! What passes for Christianity is instead an anemic, spineless, diluted substitute without convictions or principle.

No wonder so many unbelievers see nothing in the church that would draw them to a life-transforming faith in Christ. No wonder so many political leaders ignore the church. No wonder that despite some 300,000 evangelical churches, scores and hundreds of television and radio ministries, and millions of professing Christians, our nation is still on a collision course with calamity!

What America needs is real Christianity! The kind of Christianity that changed the course of history. The kind of Christianity that changed the face of Europe. The kind of Christianity that propelled the Pilgrims, Puritans, and Patriots to shake off the bands of tyranny and establish this great country called America.

Christianity of old quenched the flames of oppression, lit the fires of freedom, and led two continents out of the darkness of paganism. Today's Christianity is known for bingo games, softball leagues, and milquetoast preachers. Christianity of old toppled the Roman Empire. Today's Christianity cannot even rid the nation of legal abortion.

George Barna's research suggests that the real mission field may not be in heathen lands across the seas but in America's churches right here at home!

© 2005 Chuck Baldwin - All Rights Reserved

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Chuck Baldwin is Founder-Pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. In 1985 the church was recognized by President Ronald Reagan for its unusual growth and influence."