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Aug 31, 2004

VMA 2004

Check out: Mueller's Musings on the 2004 VMA's

@ www.cpyu.org/pageview.asp?pageid=24376

Aug 30, 2004

Why bother to VOTE?

FROM: www.ivotevalues.org

Why Bother?

That’s a valid question based on some assumptions you may have. However, consider these questions: If Jesus was in America preparing for Election Day 2004, what would he do? Would Jesus register to vote? Would he go to the polls? Or would he stay home? Assuming he did vote, which candidates would he support?

We know that Jesus expects his followers to be salt and light in our culture, and that he expects us to participate in government (see Matthew 5:13-16 & 22:21). Based on his teachings, it would be safe to say that Jesus would register, vote and support the candidates that most closely represent his values. Isn’t that what we should do on Election Day?

For more info Check out: www.ivotevalues.org

Aug 19, 2004

More Relevance

FROM: redeemtheday.org

How Exactly can I be Relevant By Chris Kelley

How exactly can I be relevant?

I suppose “being relevant” is subjective at times and changes from one person to another. So, I would say that you can’t generalize what is relevant and try to label something for an entire generation. It’s like the pop-culture label of “Generation X”… it’s like saying that every single person in this generation is directionless and without clear boundaries. In my opinion such a label is irrelevant because it means almost nothing to the individual. The truth is that God has made each of us to be unique and have a unique perspective on what’s relevant. We may share some common beliefs, opinions and practices but in the end, we still have our own personal twists and quirks on things.

So, if you want to be relevant to someone then you have to find out what matters to them… what is relevant to them. There’s no point in talking about what’s relevant to you if your audience doesn’t see things in a similar light. I think it’s through such an understanding of one another that we can really see into the unique souls that the Lord has created. Or to use a coined phrase, we can see what “makes people tick”.

One avenue in which I’ve found myself to be relevant to others is through Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. For those of you that are not familiar with this martial art it’s a style of grappling that revolves around choking, joint locking and pain submissions. Sounds fun eh? Well, it is indeed fun and many other people agree (and I’ve run across a few who don’t!). Because of this common ground I’ve had the opportunity to meet and get to know people that I might otherwise never have met. Because I have shared with others in the enjoyment and competition of this sport I’ve had the opportunity and audience to witness for Christ. Because I was viewed as relevant by the people I’ve trained with I was able to freely discuss my faith because established feelings of respect and brotherhood.

I think that might be a vital component of being relevant to one another… by fostering feelings of respect. In my opinion, when you respect another person you will listen to that person even if you don’t agree with them. In the very least, they will listen because they already know and respect you. Here’s an example to illustrate the point… try to put yourself in the shoes of a non-believer; who would you be more likely to listen to? Would you openly listen to someone you already know and respect or would you be more likely to openly listen to someone you don’t know and approached you right off the street? Some might say that either one is fine (and for some it is) but I would choose a friend over a stranger for such things.

In any case, if you want to be relevant to one another then find out what makes another person tick because that’s what really matters to them! -Peace-

Chris Kelley <><

Age: 29
Hilliard, OH

I’m married to my super-hot wife Lani, have a dog (Helia) and cat (Nocho), love video games (Xbox), collect swords (from Lord of the Rings), like to grapple/wrestle (I particularly like to beat on my friends), read fantasy novels and like shoot bullets at inanimate objects. I’m currently in school at Ohio State University for another degree and pursuing an education in Industrial Design… I hope to work in Transportation Design or Concept Design (and work on movies!).


Something I often talk about is the need for the Church to be relavant to the culture it is in. I just ordered a book, The Journey Towards Relevance, which I found on a link from CPYU.org(Center for Youth/Parent Understanding). Below is an short article from the author. Tell me what you think.

FROM: redeemtheday.org

Trappings of a Transformist By Kary Oberbrunner

Remember, as transformists…
We don’t need to have everything figured out, for that would mean we’re separatists. We don’t need to say anything goes, for that would mean we’re conformists.

We’re not perfect, none of us are. However, we’re seekers. We long to have a simple and unadulterated relationship with the Creator of the Universe. We desire to know the “why” behind the “what” and the purpose behind the principle. Of course there will be mistakes along the way, but this is what sets us believers apart. We have a little more grace and patience with each other, because we know what we’ve been saved from.

The movement is beginning. The gathering has united. We come from a variety of backgrounds, but share a common purpose. Above all else, we passionately love God and people in proper balance. We’re not afraid of culture because our mission transcends it. We’re not afraid of religion because our method surpasses it. We are the relevant. We are the transformists.

"And it will come about in all the land," Declares the LORD,
"That two parts in it will be cut off and perish; But the third will be left in it."
And I will bring the third part through the fire, Refine them as silver is refined, And test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, And I will answer them; I will say,
'They are My people,' And they will say, 'The LORD is my God.'"

Zechariah 13:8-9

Aug 16, 2004

Walk Like Jesus

5AM 5 of us gathered to continue memorizing 1 John we are in chapter two now.

Know Him, live in Him, obey Him, walk in the light as He is in the light. Many good verses. I don't have it all memorized, however, spending 45 min every morning with a group of guys reading through this book is a great time of meditating on His Word.

1 John 2.6 - Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did.

Wow, I have a long way to go. That is my goal. To be like Him. I fail at times, thankfully He forgives. Some lessons and Youth Church messages are not prepared for as I should and prayed over as I should. God continues to work. I continue to be humbled and realize that I need to spend more time with Him to know Him and walk like Him.