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Sep 22, 2004

First Day of Autumn

Summer is officially over! Fall is here.

I love the crisp clear autumn mornings we have in September/October.

The leaves will be changing colors soon. It is a beautiful time of year!

As leaves die and fall to the ground they bring new life in several ways.

When we die to the flesh we get new life as well. Romans 6 reminds us that in our baptism we were buried in baptism into death, and that we gain new life through resurrection.

Romans 8.12-13 commands us to not live according to the flesh but by the spirit. "If you are living according to the flesh, you must die..." Wow, strong but true words.

Life comes from death. Think about it.

Sep 20, 2004

18 years old? You can register to vote online!

Simply click on the register to vote button at:


to fill out a simple online form. You must be registered by October 12.

Why vote - part 2

The 2000 General Election in OREGON...

-Of those who are considered Evangelical Christians 106,000 were not registered to vote.
-Evangelical Christians who were registered but did not vote = 78,000.
-Added together hat is 184,000 believers who did not vote in 2000!

-The presidential race was decided in Oregon by 6,675 votes.

Your vote does count!

Doesn't it seem strange that those who have God's truth, God's wisdom, God's Spirit, and know God's way would not want to help our great country stay true to its foundation of freedom?

October 12 is deadline to register to vote.

"The future of this republic is in the hands of the American voter." -Dwight D. Eisenhower

"If the citizens negelect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupt; laws will be made mot for the public good so much as for the selfish or local purposes." -Daniel Webster

Check out: www.restoreamerica.org

Drew Carey on Salvation

I watched The Drew Carey Show this week. It was an interesting program.

In the program Drew's friend Lewis is discovers he is going to hell because he is a bad guy. This revelation causes him to attempt to change the way he lives. He changes everything, in order to be a good guy [and earn his way to heaven].

In the process he does all kinds of crazy good guy things and strange religious activities (including wearing of robes) and eventually God strikes him with lightening.

Drew Carey imparts his wisdom by telling Lewis that you can't be perfect and earn your way to heaven "...all you gotta do is show up and try."

While the first part is true and the second part sounds good to the average American. It is totally false. You can not simply try to be good, because we all fail. Rom 3.10-18,23 - everyone has sinned. And there are consequenses to our sin. Rom 6.23 - the wages of sin is death. However, the Good News is that Jesus died for our sins (Rom 5.8). When we are in Christ there is no condemnation (Rom 8.1) for us.

Once we are in Christ then we are forgiven and we "show up and try."

Make sure you are IN CHRIST!

If you have questions about this contact me.

Sep 9, 2004

Top Ten Questions For God

These people did a survey of young people asking them what they would like to ask God. These are the top ten questions and good answers. Check it out at:
