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Apr 25, 2005

Supersize Me

I finally watched Supersize Me. Amazing.

The 100% McDs diet. He gained 25 lbs in 30 days. He got very sick. The doctors told him to stop because he was killing himself.

I have been studying nutrition recently to prepare for a Parenting Seminar that I am teaching. The things we eat are so unhealthy. Sugars, saturated fats, and especially Trans Fats (anything with "partially hydrogenated oils").

But they taste so good. Why do we eat? For enjoyment or for nutrition?

To eliminate Trans Fats from my diet I am having to avoid Fast Food resturants. Because they all cook with it. The meals served at fast food joints also have too many calories.

In addition to what I have been reading on nutrition I found out I have high of cholesteral. I don't eat much red meat or other high in saturated fat foods. So I am focusing on ridding my diet of Trans Fats to see if that will help.

Cooking and eating at home is so much more healthy. Not prepackaged foods, but eating simple foods: rice, chicken, whole wheat bread, tortillas, carrots, apples, bananas, etc.

You gotta read the ingredients lists. My rules are avoid foods that have sugars listed first or second in the list and everything that has "partially hydrogendated oils."

Apr 12, 2005

Apr 11, 2005

Funniest music video ever!

Gary Brolsma, 19, of Saddle Brook, N.J., has become a cyber-celebrity. Brolsma's "numa numa dance" is based on a line from the Romanian pop song he lip synchs to in the video. Millions of people have already watched it.

Check it out: www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/numa.php

Apr 5, 2005

Hilliarious Web News

I just came across a hilliarious Christian News site.

Check it out at: http://larknews.com

Apr 4, 2005

Easter Day

Easter Day

It was asked recently how the day is chosen each year. It is different every year and can be in March some years and in April others.

Easter Day is the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after the day of the vernal equinox.

The vernal equinox is the first day of spring (March 21). There are some other details but simple rules usually these hold true.

April 16-2006

April 8-2007

March 23-2008

April 12-2009

April 4-2010