Vehicles A couple weeks ago my friend Darrel and I were talking about the cars we have owned. Both he and Roger have owned many more than I have (Roger has owned around 100 vehicles-he has 6 now).
Here is what I have owned:
1981 Ford Escort (purch. c.1989) 1986 Toyota pickup (purch. c.1991) 1971 Ford Bronco (purch. c.1999) 1978 VW Bus (purch. c. 2006) - it never ran, I bought to make it into the DUCKBUS.
1990 Toyota pickup (purch. c.2007)
Lori's cars: 1982 Toyota Camery (purch. c.1991) 1997 Ford Escort wagon (purch c.1997) 2003 Dodge Grand Caravan (purch. c.2003)
We have never bought a new vehicle because the value drops so much in the first year. However we have purchased nearly new vehicles for Lori so that she will have a reliable vehicle to drive.
For years I have said that I own my dream vehicle (Early Bronco, which I still really enjoy!), only that I would like to put $2000-$5000 into it to make exactly what I want. I now have a new dream vehicle. I am even writing a business plan around the vehicle to make it into a business so I can possibly get it some day.
Below are some pictures of some Sportsmobiles (, it is my desire to have one built to haul 10 people and equipment for any adventure any where.
If you would like to see my business plan let me know.
Click on the pics to view bigger.

3:36 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment | |
 | What I have been Studying Before work I usually get up at 5:00 am to study, prepare sermons, pray, eat some breakfast, make a lunch, and get ready for work.
In the last couple years my friend Pete Slocum and I memorized the book of James and the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7). We would meet once a week to recite what we had worked on to keep each other accountable. Over the last couple months in the mornings I have been reviewing and studying the book of James to come to a better understanding of the meaning of this great letter. I hope to develop 1-5 messages incorporating reciting of the book or chapters.
This past winter and spring I also was reading Randy Alcorn's book Heaven. I believe he has done an excellent job of opening up what the Bible says about heaven. It seems many of us have had a wrong understanding of what heaven is like and will be like for us when we get there. He teaches that it will be much more recognizable than we think. In the past i have taught that words cannot describe what heaven will be like and in a sense this is true, but to be more accurate we can see glimpses of heaven right here on earth. All that is good here will be there. Because heaven will be the restored, renewed, resurrected earth. The book is 500 pages+ so he says a lot more than this. I am hoping to write a sermon or two regarding what the Bible says about heaven in the near future. Maybe I will post the sermon in manuscript from here?
Next I hope to do an indepth study of the book of Hebrews. It is a long book but the Jewish history and traditions are very interesting to me. I believe each of us would be benefited greatly by understanding the Jewish world and culture of Jesus, and the Apostles and Prophets. 3:27 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment | |
 | Comments on Comments (On I really appreciate those who make comments on my blogs.
Some of the topics I blog about are simply for fun … me writing about the strange things I think about (i.e. Tyson & fixed-gear bikes, etc.). Other times as I write I am journaling my journey and as I journal I am sorting out my thoughts. We continue to ask of God where He wants my family and me.
God works through people … in fact I preached about that today at the Dayspring Fellowship. We are Christ's Body on earth, He works through you and me. Therefore, I take your comments seriously as I continue to pray for wisdom.
I received some good comments regarding my blog about Idaho possibilities. I would like to share some of what I wrote in response to The Deej, as I think maybe I have not been clear enough about my views on ministry. Because whether or not I am being paid to be a full-time vocational minister I believe I am still responsible to be ministering.
I believe I am a much better person because of my years in full-time ministry. My experiences at both churches has given me much. The friends (students, adults, and other ministers), teaching experiences, Bible study, interaction with other leaders, failures and successes, have all been blessings. I am so grateful to God for all these experiences/people.
I believe what I have gained is a great asset to my current and future ministries as a volunteer. I enjoy being a support and encouragement to Ministers and Elders and having the opportunity to preach occasionally (last month I gave the morning message at the Drain Church and today at Dayspring Fellowship) and I will resume teaching once I get settled in a more permanent job.
I have been studying the book of James and reading an in depth book on what the Bible says about Heaven in preparation for future messages.
Your comments are helpful and I will spend more time in prayer and even looking deeper into the opportunities that have been presented. Other opportunities have come and gone as well. I received another call this week from a church who's minister is resigning and a handful of others have called to asked me to considering applying to be their preacher and the Amity Church (where I was previously) asked me if I would be interested in coming back.
To all of you who comment and pray for us …. Thank you!!!! | |
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