Saul is one of the finest young Christian men we know. He entered the military to be able to study medicine and eventually use that for the Lord. About 6 months ago he felt convicted to leave the military and prepare himself for full-time Christian service. Saul shared that when he was in the military they would sleep with their weapon, learn how to take it apart and assemble it in the dark and carry it with them at all times. They knew it inside and out. He said for the next month he wants to do the same with his spiritual weapon (the Bible). He wants to spend as much time in the Word as he can and carry it with him wherever he goes, sleep with it, etc. "Why should we know a physical weapon better than our spiritual weapon?"
Please pray for these youth who attended [the Youth Leaders Retreat]. They have the potential to change the youth of Mexico and God believes in them just like he does in you and I.
One of those who attended the retreat is Tzoalli who celebrated her 30th birthday a couple of weeks ago. Tzoalli works for Johnson & Co. here in Mexico and has a heart for evangelism. She has a sister who is a Christian but her brother and father are not. She has led several of her friends to the Lord and is working on others. This year she decided to give a birthday brunch for herself. But she didn't want it to be just a regular birthday party but an evangelistic one. So she asked some friends of hers who have a huge backyard if she could use it for the event. She invited half Christian friends and the other half non-Christian friends and family that she has been witnessing to. She asked all of her non-Christian friends ahead of time to be specifically praying for those who would be coming. She had a beautiful brunch catered with little place cards with scriptures on them. She had some friends sing some Christian music, she shared a testimony of what Christ had done in her life and she had Rodney share a short devotional thought.
It was a meaningful time and those who were Christians had a great opportunity to get to know those who weren't and share in a casual environment. Please pray for Tzoalli and her continued witness to her friends and family that she will see the fruit of her efforts.
Below are two pictures from the retreat plus a picture of Tzoalli sharing at her birthday brunch.
Your Partners in Ministry,
Rodney and Linda Peterson

Sun Microsystems Teams with the United Nations to Bring Next...
Sun Microsystems, Inc. will sponsor 12 young African civic and technology leaders, including Neema Mgana of Tanzania, the youngest of 1,000 global activist women collectively nominated for the 2005 Nobel Prize ...
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Cory, I just started a new blog which I hope will show that Christian bloggers can write ugly blogs about various topics without always
preaching or arguing. Anyway, I've been looking around for Christianity related blogs and I found this entry (Youth Leaders Retreat south of Mexico City) during my search so I
thought I'd make a quick post to let you know! I'd be happy to trade links if you're interested. Have a great day - Eric
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